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Our Strategic Priorities

Unite Our Voice

Connect to Teams

Improve Our Practice

Focus on Equity

Establish the Primary Care Network as the “go-to” collective voice for primary care physicians in the region that reflects our demographic and has the authority to truly represent and advocate on behalf of its membership for advancement of primary care.

Improve access to inter-professional care (such as social work, care navigation) for all primary care physicians to enable patients and families to benefit from more timely, appropriate, and seamless care, while supporting the wellness of primary care physicians.

Drive improvements in primary care through creating and supporting opportunities for physicians to learn, explore, and innovate to benefit both their day-to-day clinical care, as well as across the primary care and health care system.

Create equal and fair opportunities for all primary care physicians to engage with and benefit from services of the MH Primary Care Network, including attending meetings, planning activities, and being represented, inclusive of all physicians, regardless of payment model.

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